Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Daily Pump Trap: 8/11/09 edition

Good morning! Including jobs posted Aug 10 from July 31, there have been 199 jobs posted. Sorry for the break, folks, but the Pump Trap had to go take care of real world business. Let's see what we got.

Big Pharma on its way back?: GSK (UK, US), Amgen and other Big Pharma-ish jobs have been spotted. With all this "green shoots" talk, it'll be interesting to see when jobs start turning around.

Zagat for the environmentalist?: GoodGuide.com is looking for a Chief Scientist to help them rate the social and environmental aspects of businesses; looking for a Ph.D. with quantitative medical research experience. Interesting -- I guess you'll have to quit using that dry cleaner that uses perchloroethylene...

Gov't postdoc?: The Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins is looking for a synthetic postdoc with 31P NMR experience; ability to get government clearance needed. Good luck, Dr. Agent 007.

The job of the next generation: Pepsi is looking for a Ph.D. food scientist (1+ yr. experience) for ingredient research. Let me guess -- on the interview, don't ask for a Diet Coke. Also looking for an M.S./Ph.D. with 3-15 years experience for help with "sweetness solutions." Fun term.

Kelly Time!: Got a degree in chemistry? Kelly Scientific Research wants to know if you've be interested in conducting sleep research, being a biologist technician or a greenhouse lab technician. No? How about a pet care technician or a food microbiologist?

Note to ACS powers-that-be -- I'm going to keep slagging KSR until they change their ways. Frankly, this lack of care in posting jobs is the tiniest bit insulting. (hat tip f.h.)

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20